Within these terms and conditions ‘We’ or ‘Us’ refers to the management or staff of High Rise or Employers For Childcare Trading Limited, which is the owner of High Rise.

The term ‘guest’ refers to anyone visiting or using the High Rise facilities, whether to take part in a paid for activity or to accompany someone taking part in a paid for activity or to use the centre in any other capacity.

The full terms and conditions are listed below but please initially read the following:

1.Unfortunately, balloons are not permitted in High Rise as there is a risk that they could get tangled in the climbing lines and create a safety risk for climbers. Party blowers/horns also not permitted as these can cause distress to guests with sensory issues.

2.Only guests who have booked a High Rise birthday party package (minimum participants 8 on a term-time weekday and 10 at all other times) may bring a birthday cake. This enables us to support other guests with severe allergies and it also helps our organisation, as a registered charity, to provide vital services for families.

3.Clip ‘n Climb sessions usually last for 90 minutes:

  • 30 minutes pre-climbing safety briefing and harness fitting
  • 55 minutes climbing
  • 5 minutes to de-harness and leave the arena

Some promotional sessions may vary in length, but this will always be made clear.

The minimum age to take part in Clip ‘n Climb is 4 years and the minimum weight is 1.5 stones / 10kg – this is to allow the auto-belay system to function safely.  The maximum weight limit is 22 stones /150kg and there is no maximum age limit, as long as the participant is in good health.

Minimum height for Vertical Drop Slide and Leap of Faith is 4ft/120cm.

Everyone participating in Clip ‘n Climb must attend the full pre-climbing safety briefing each time they visit. It is your responsibility to ensure you arrive in time for your briefing, which will be at the time you have booked for. Safety briefings start promptly, and late arrivals will not be allowed to join. You may be able to join the next briefing if spaces are available, but your climbing time will be reduced to 30 minutes.  We must adhere to strict staff/climber ratios and more often than not this means we cannot deviate from our schedule of bookings at all.  Punctuality by guests is therefore vitally important.

4. All those climbing or wishing to enter the Clip ‘n Climb arena must wear suitable clothing and footwear:

  • Closed toe footwear is required – no sandals or crocs
  • No long heals or large hiking boots
  • Dresses, skirts or loose clothing are not permitted
  • Long hair should be tied back
  • All jewellery should be removed and pockets should be emptied of loose items such as mobile phones, keys, coins etc.
  • Refunds will not be offered if you are unable to climb due to inappropriate clothing, footwear etc. This list of unsuitable clothing, footwear etc is not exhaustive – please ask for more information before booking if you have any doubts or questions.

5.Full payment is required to book a birthday party and no refunds will be given for reduction in numbers for any reason. Party bookings cannot be rescheduled. Unused credit from pre-paid parties cannot be transferred and used towards additional activities or purchases on the day.  As a Social Enterprise funding a Registered Charity, we have to strictly apply these terms to safeguard our revenue which funds a variety of Social Impact projects.

6.If the number of guests increases after booking, we may not be able to accommodate this, especially for Clip ‘n Climb where the number of climbers per session is strictly limited. If you do have an increase in numbers, please let us know as soon as possible, and we will do our best to accommodate this, but sessions do fill up in advance with other guests and we cannot exceed our maximum number of participants.

High Rise Terms and Conditions

Within these terms and conditions ‘We’ or ‘Us’ refers to the management or staff of High Rise or Employers For Childcare Trading Limited, which is the owner of High Rise.

The term ‘guest’ refers to anyone visiting or using the High Rise facilities, whether to take part in a paid for activity or to accompany someone taking part in a paid for activity or to use the centre in any other capacity.


Activities in High Rise should be pre-booked online – full payment is required at the time of booking.

Guests should ensure the contact details they provide (telephone number and email address) are correct in case High Rise needs to contact them in relation to their booking.

Guests should present their booking reference, found in their email confirmation, on arrival at reception in order to retrieve their booking.

Children under 14 years of age must be supervised by an accompanying adult at all times while at High Rise (except when they are in the Clip ‘n Climb arena when they will be under the supervision of staff).

No dogs are permitted within High Rise (with the exception of guide dogs).

High Rise is a no smoking centre (this includes vaping). A designated smoking area is available outside – please use the bins provided to discard of any cigarette butts or other rubbish.

Unfortunately, balloons are not permitted in High Rise as there is a risk that they could get tangled in the climbing lines and create a safety risk for climbers. Party blowers/horns also not permitted as these can cause distress to guests with sensory issues.

We accept no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury that may occur to any guest while on High Rise property, except where such loss, damage or injury has arisen as a result of our negligence or a breach of our duty.

Guests must adhere to the instructions of High Rise staff at all times and comply with any rules or guidance displayed within the facilities.

High Rise takes a zero-tolerance approach to anyone who abuses a member of staff or another guest, physically or verbally.

Management reserve the right to refuse admission or to ask a guest to leave if they are behaving aggressively towards staff, misusing any of the equipment or causing a nuisance to other guests (this is not an exhaustive list). Anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be permitted to take part in activities within High Rise. Guests asked to leave under any of these circumstances will not be entitled to any refund for activities not fulfilled.

All prices listed on our website are correct at the time of publication. Your credit card or debit card will be charged at the point of purchase.

Peak pricing for Clip ‘n Climb applies at weekends and on bank, public or school holidays – this is determined at the discretion of High Rise management.

All promotions and special offers are subject to terms and conditions and may be withdrawn at any time.

Promotions and special offers run independently and cannot be used in conjunction with each other.


Accidents, including toileting accidents, should be reported to a member of staff immediately to ensure the best possible assistance is provided. All non-toileting accidents will be logged in an accident report system which is GDPR compliant. Accidents reported after leaving the centre cannot be dealt with appropriately.

Personal possessions

Personal possessions are left unattended at your own risk. High Rise is not responsible for guests’ property – lockers are available for the storage of valuables.

Food and drink

High Rise operates a strict ‘no picnic’ policy – guests are not permitted to bring any drinks or any food into the centre. The only exception is for guests who have booked a party who may bring in a birthday cake to enjoy after their activity. Only food and drinks purchased in our café may be consumed in the centre.  This enables us to support other guests with severe allergies and it also helps us as a Social Enterprise to generate as much revenue as possible for our Registered Charity.

High Rise is (as far as is reasonably achievable) a nut free zone. While we aim to be nut free, we cannot completely guarantee that some ingredients used in our kitchen are completely free from traces of nuts.

No food or drink – including chewing gum – is to be consumed within the soft play area, sensory rooms or Clip ‘n Climb arena.

Guests with additional needs

High Rise aims to be inclusive and accessible for everyone including those with additional needs. High Rise incorporates both a Changing Places facility and sensory rooms.  We will do our best to ensure all guests can access these services within the centre, but at times, this may not be suitable (for example due to the numbers taking part in a certain activity, or the availability of staff)

Guests with additional needs may wish to contact High Rise in advance of their visit to discuss any particular requirements.

Changing Places toilet

High Rise has invested in providing a Changing Places toilet to meet the needs of guests. This is accessed using a radar key – if guests do not have their own radar key, they may obtain one from the High Rise reception, which should be returned to reception promptly following use of the facility.

Guests are asked to treat the Changing Places toilet with respect, to only use it for the purposes it was intended and to leave it in the condition in which they would expect to find it.

Guests must provide their own slings to use with the ceiling hoist.

If guests find the Changing Places toilet in an unsatisfactory condition they should inform reception staff immediately.

Misuse of the Changing Places toilet could lead to guests being asked to leave High Rise.


Any events taking place within High Rise are subject to cancellation or amendment at any time due to circumstances beyond our control (for example, availability of activities or entertainers).

Clip ‘n Climb

Clip ‘n Climb sessions usually last for 90 minutes:

  • 30 minutes pre-climbing safety briefing and harness fitting
  • 55 minutes climbing
  • 5 minutes to de-harness and leave the arena

Some promotional sessions may vary in length, but this will always be made clear.

The minimum age to take part in Clip ‘n Climb is 4 years and the minimum weight is 1.5 stones / 10kg – this is to allow the auto-belay system to function safely.

The maximum weight limit is 22 stones /150kg and there is no maximum age limit, as long as the participant is in good health.

Minimum height for Vertical Drop Slide and Leap of Faith is 4ft/120cm.

Everyone participating in Clip ‘n Climb must attend the full pre-climbing safety briefing each time they visit. It is your responsibility to ensure you arrive in time for your briefing, which will be at the time you have booked for. Safety briefings start promptly, and late arrivals will not be allowed to join. You may be able to join the next briefing if spaces are available, but your climbing time will be reduced to 30 minutes.  We must adhere to strict staff/climber ratios and more often than not this means we cannot deviate from our schedule of bookings at all.  Punctuality by guests is therefore vitally important.

As part of the pre-climbing safety briefing session, a photograph will be taken and stored in line with our GDPR compliant privacy policy to demonstrate that all guests have attended and understood the safety briefing and the rules of participation in Clip ‘n Climb.

We advise all climbers to visit the bathroom before the briefing session starts.  Note also that harnesses cannot be worn outside the Briefing Room and Clip ‘n Climb arena.

All those climbing or wishing to enter the Clip ‘n Climb arena must wear suitable clothing and footwear:

  • Closed toe footwear is required – no sandals or crocs
  • No long heals or large hiking boots
  • Dresses, skirts or loose clothing are not permitted
  • Long hair should be tied back
  • All jewellery should be removed and pockets should be emptied of loose items such as mobile phones, keys, coins etc.

Refunds will not be offered if you are unable to climb due to inappropriate clothing, footwear etc.  This list of unsuitable clothing, footwear etc is not exhaustive – please ask for more information before booking if you have any doubts or questions.

Due to the physical nature of Clip ‘n Climb, minor injuries like bumps, bruises and scrapes are common.  By participating or allowing anyone in your care to participate, you acknowledge and accept this risk.

By participating or allowing anyone in your care to participate, you confirm that you, and everyone in your booking group, are in a suitable  state of health and do not have a medical condition that may be triggered or aggravated by participating in activities in the climbing arena, such as a neck, back, shoulder, hip, or knee injury. If you are in any doubt about your ability to participate, we advise you to speak to a member of High Rise staff before booking.

We recommend that anyone who is pregnant does not take part in Clip ‘n Climb.

All those under the age of 14 need to be accompanied to the pre-climbing safety briefing by a parent/responsible adult aged 18+. No adults will be permitted to enter the Clip ‘n Climb arena unless they have booked to climb  and attended the full pre-climbing safety briefing (or need to accompany a child with support needs, in which case belongings must be stored securely in a locker and a hi-vis jacket will be provided – attending the full pre-climbing safety briefing is also required in these circumstances).

Any of the climbing challenges may be taken out of use at any time for essential reasons such as maintenance. We will always endeavour to limit this, but refunds will not be given due to some Clip ‘n Climb challenges being unavailable.

Soft play

On Thursday and Friday mornings, during term-time, we have sessions for under 3s, but at all other times, the recommended age for soft play guests is 3-8 as we no longer have separate baby and toddler play areas.

Parents and guardians are responsible for supervising children using our soft play facility at all times.

It is recommended that children wear long sleeves and trousers while playing on the soft play.

All soft play guests will need to remove their shoes and store them in one of our shoe buckets before entering the soft play. These can be collected after your activity.  Socks must be worn at all times.

Children are not permitted to climb up the slide, playframe or netting within the soft play.

Age restrictions are clearly displayed and must be adhered to at all times.

Adults are not permitted to enter the soft play frame except in an emergency or to retrieve a distressed child.

Sensory Rooms

Sensory room bookings should be made online, and full payment is required at the time of booking. Walk-in bookings will be accommodated where possible but cannot be guaranteed.

Sensory Room 1 (larger room) sessions are 45 minutes in duration.

Pre-booked exclusive use Sensory Room 2 (smaller room) sessions are 45 minutes in duration.

Sensory Room 1 can accommodate a maximum of six guests at a time permitted (including children/babies).

Sensory Room 1 may be available to more than one guest / group at a time. There may be guests from a range of age groups, with varying needs and abilities.

High Rise will endeavour to accommodate the needs of all guests however this may not always be possible – for example, preferences for different light colours or music.  If guests do not wish to share the space, an exclusive use session would be more appropriate.

Sensory Room 2 is designed for individual use or one small group (maximum of three guests including children/babies). If it has not been pre-booked, it may also be accessed for a short period of respite for a guest of other facilities within High Rise who has become overwhelmed and needs a space to ‘switch off’.

Each sensory room’s environment can be tailored to be relaxing or stimulatory depending on individual needs. Everyone should respect this in their use of the room by appreciating the needs of other guests. As a result, it may not be possible for guests with very different needs to use a room at the same time. In this case, an exclusive use session may be more appropriate.

All guests under the age of 18 using the sensory rooms must be accompanied by a supervising adult at all times. High Rise staff monitor the sensory rooms; however, they do not take responsibility for the supervision of guests.

It is the supervising adult’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with the instructions given to operate the various room controls.  If they need assistance, a staff member will be happy to help.

Guests are not permitted to change the projectors on the projector wheel. If you would like a different projector wheel, a member of staff will be happy to accommodate this.

Please respect the equipment in the sensory rooms. The rooms should be left as they are found to ensure that all subsequent guests can enjoy a positive experience.

Not all equipment will be suitable for every guest. Although staff members can provide guidance on the use of equipment, the supervising adult remains responsible for the choice of equipment used by guests in their group.

Shoes are not permitted in the sensory rooms and should be stored in the buckets outside. Socks must be worn at all times.

No food, drink or chewing gum is allowed in the sensory rooms at any time.  This includes baby milk/bottles etc.

The sensory rooms are designed for therapeutic purposes. Everyone who enters the rooms should respect this and the needs of our guests.

Birthday Parties

Minimum numbers apply to book a party, have seating reserved and bring in a cake. Visit the parties page of our website for full details of party packages at High Rise Lisburn.

The party packages with free ‘extras’ are only available on weekdays during term-time – not available on Saturdays and Sundays.

Parties should be booked online. For any larger bookings, guests should complete our Booking Request Form by clicking here and we will check availability.

Full payment is required to book a party and no refunds will be given for reduction in numbers for any reason. Party bookings cannot be rescheduled.  Unused credit from pre-paid parties cannot be transferred and used towards additional activities or purchases on the day.  As a Social Enterprise funding a Registered Charity, we have to strictly apply these terms to safeguard our revenue which funds a variety of Social Impact projects.

If the number of guests increases after booking, we may not be able to accommodate this, especially for Clip ‘n Climb where the number of climbers per session is strictly limited. If you do have an increase in numbers, please let us know as soon as possible, and we will do our best to accommodate this, but sessions do fill up in advance with other guests and we cannot exceed our maximum number of participants.

The party organiser should arrive 10-15 minutes before your party time to check-in and receive your wristbands.  Everyone else should arrive in time for the start of your session/briefing.

Cakes may only be brought into High Rise by guests holding a booking for party packages (regular candles only please – no sparkler/firework type candles please). Please do not bring in ANY other food, cans, sweets, fruit etc as our staff will have to ask you to put it away and we don’t want to cause embarrassment.

Party decorations such as banners or table confetti are not permitted but guests may bring their own themed disposable plates and cups.

As mentioned above under the heading “General”, unfortunately balloons are not permitted in High Rise as there is a risk that they could get tangled in the climbing lines and create a safety risk for climbers. Party blowers/horns also not permitted as these can cause distress to guests with sensory issues.

When you book a birthday party you are responsible for the adherence to our full Terms and Conditions by everyone entering our facilities as a result of your party.  By booking you confirm that you accept responsibility for the general health, safety and wellbeing of everyone in your group including other parents.

For Clip ‘n Climb birthday parties, the party organiser/person holding the booking is deemed to be responsible for all those attending the party and in all of the above Clip ‘n Climb specific terms and conditions this person will be deemed as participating or allowing anyone in their care to participate.

Gift vouchers

High Rise gift vouchers are valid for 12 months from date of purchase and cannot be used after the expiry date. They are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash in part or full.

Expired gift vouchers will not be extended under any circumstances.

No refunds will be issued for gift vouchers not used.  High Rise gift vouchers may not be used towards parties or special events.


Bookings must be paid in full at time of booking for all activities. All bookings for High Rise are non-refundable. No rescheduling of bookings is permitted within 14 days of the date of the activity.


All complaints should be addressed to the management – complaints will be managed in line with our Complaints Handling Policy.


CCTV cameras are in operation both inside and outside of High Rise – please refer to our Privacy Notice for further information on the use of CCTV within High Rise.


By entering High Rise guests acknowledge that they may be filmed or photographed and that these photographs or recordings may be used by High Rise to promote the centre or for other purposes, including in advertising, both online and offline. Guests waive the right to inspect or approve the use of the photographs and/or recordings and acknowledge that no compensation of any kind will be paid.  If you do not want us to use your information for the marketing purposes described in this paragraph, please let us know.

In group photographs and videos, we will endeavour to keep personal identification to a minimum. Should we request an individual photograph or video, you will be asked to give your permission for images to be captured. You can refuse consent for this.

Guests are welcome to take photos/videos during their experience at High Rise, but we cannot be held responsible for photos/videos taken and used by guests including on social media. We would ask guests taking photos/videos of their own children or other guests in their party, to take every measure to ensure that no other child or adult can be identified in the photo/video.

This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to us. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms part of these terms and conditions.


To maximise the benefit to participants, numbers for classes at High Rise are limited and bookings will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. No bookings will be confirmed until payment is made in full.

Class bookings are non-refundable – in the event that a guest is unable to attend any class in a series of classes, or decides the class is not for them, no refund will be offered for the class missed and no additional classes will be available.

High Rise reserves the right to cancel a class in the event of unavoidable circumstances. Should this happen, participants will be offered a refund or the opportunity to attend another class.

High Rise reserves the right to change the class leader/facilitator without prior notice in the event of unavoidable circumstances.

Classes in the sensory rooms

  • For classes taking place in the sensory rooms, guests will be asked to remove their footwear and must wear socks. As space in the sensory rooms is limited, belongings including prams, car seats and changing bags can be left outside the room.
  • If you are attending a Sensory for Babies class, note that babies must be supervised at all times and not left unattended. The class leader is not responsible for any child at any time.
  • Sensory for Babies classes are designed for the age group specified, and older siblings cannot attend unless specifically invited.
  • Parents are asked to keep their baby at home if they have a serious infection or possible communicable disease such as chicken pox.
  • You are welcome to take pictures or short videos of your child, provided it doesn’t interfere with the class and you are careful not to take pictures of others without their permission.
  • We may request a picture of your class to help us promote the service to others, but you are welcome to decline permission for this.

Attending any class in High Rise indicates acceptance of our general terms and conditions as stated on this page.


Any changes to our Terms and Conditions will be posted on this page. We will not otherwise notify guests of any changes to our Terms and Conditions, so guests are asked to check this page for any updates before visiting High Rise